Hymn 9 - O Day of Rest and Gladness
Hymn 11 - Safely through Another Week
Hymn 12 - This Day at Thy Creating Word
Hymn 13 - Before Jehovah's Aweful Throne
Hymn 14 - All People that on Earth do Dwell
Hymn 30 - Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices
Hymn 31 - When All Thy Mercies, O My Lord
Hymn 39 - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Hymn 52 - Almighty Father, Bless the Word
Hymn 70 - Hosanna to the Living Lord
Hymn 76 - A Great and Mighty Wonder
Hymn 85 - From Heaven Above to Earth I come
Hymn 91 - Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
Hymn 95 - Savior of the Nations, Come
Hymn 120 - Help Us, O Lord! Behold, We Enter
Hymn 123 - Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
Hymn 141 - Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains
Hymn 153 - Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
Hymn 163 - The Death of Jesus Christ Our Lord
Hymn 164 - 'Twas on That Dark, That Doleful Night
Hymn 169 - Jesus Christ Our Lord Most Holy
Hymn 194 - Abide with Us, the Day is Waning
Hymn 200 - I know that My Redeemer Lives
Hymn 254 - Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise
Hymn 256 - Around the Throne of God a Band
Hymn 261 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
Hymn 263 - O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe
Hymn 289 - The Law Commands and makes Us Know
Hymn 298 - Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy
Hymn 299 - Dear Father, Who hast Made Us All
Hymn 306 - Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast Prepared
Hymn 309 - O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee
Hymn 315 - I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table
Hymn 333 - Blessed Savior, Who hast Taught Me
Hymn 364 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
Hymn 388 - Just as I Am, without One Plea
Hymn 428 - I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Hymn 457 - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Hymn 467 - Built on the Rock the Church doth Stand
Hymn 469 - Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
Hymn 496 - Hark! the Voice of Jesus Crying
Hymn 511 - Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun
Hymn 644 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
Some liturgy pieces from the old Lutheran Hymnal
Liturgy - The Gloria Patri, The Kyrie, The Gloria in Excelsis
Christian Worship Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn 55 - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
Hymn 60 - Silent Night! Holy Night!
Hymn 63 - Angels We Have Heard on High
Other - Some Christmas songs we sang on Christmas Eve when we were young
Other pieces from YouTube