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If anyone has the individual picture that was taken in church of Debbie & Glenn's confirmation, please let me know.
Also if anyone has a better picture of Travis' confirmation.
The one I used to scan had a tear.

Confirmation Pictures
Grandma Amanda Karstaedt - back row, 3rd from left Grandpa Arthur Perl Grandpa Arthur Perl - 2nd row from top, 5th from left Elmer - standing, right Bernice - seated, first on right Wilbert - back row, 2nd from right Henrietta and Carolyn - Henrietta: seated, 2nd from left - Carolyn: seated 3rd from left Dad and Alyce - Dad: standing, 1st on left - Alyce: seated, 1st on left Roger - back row, center Agnes and Julianne - Agnes: back row, 1st on left - Julianne: back row, 2nd on left Virginia - 1st on left Larry - back row, 2nd from right